Attention all Pornhub Models! Please be aware of phishing scams which involve malicious attempts to obtain your personal information. These attempts may appear in the form of emails or direct messages and include suspicious links or attachments from fake Pornhub accounts that are intended to steal your identity or money.
What To Look For
- Scammers will often target Models via email, social media, WhatsApp and Telegram.
- If you receive an email or message with spelling or grammatical errors, it may be a phishing attempt; do not respond.
- Beware of strategic spelling tricks such as emails from, @pornhub.corn,,, and other similar variations.
- If the email contains suspicious links or attachments with requests for your personal information; do not click on it.
- Beware of fake social media accounts. Besides the verified @Pornhub Twitter account, @PornhubHelp is our official support Twitter account and is handled by Pornhub employees. DMs from other accounts claiming to be Pornhub or staff asking for your information are likely scams.
- Scammers will often use a sense of urgency to scare Models into giving them personal information. If you receive an email urgently pressing you to share account info or update your info by clicking on a link, review the message carefully first.
- Where is it coming from?
- Have you ever received an email from that domain before?
- If you've spoken to our Support team in the past, check your old emails and make sure the email domain is legitimate and the email template matches.
- Read the link carefully - have you ever seen this website or domain before?
Identifying A Real Email
- When getting verified on Pornhub or adding additional performer IDs to your account, the steps will be completed on our secure site under your Model settings ( You will not be redirected to other websites to complete the verification process.
- If your account needs to be re-verified, you will receive an email from an domain and a pop-up notification to guide you through the process directly on
- Emails from us will come from
- When applicable, always use 2-step verification with your social media accounts. You can enable 2-step verification for your Pornhub account in the security tabs of your settings.
- Our official Twitter accounts are @Pornhub, @PornhubHelp, @PornhubModels and @phmodelsgay.
Please be careful and be safe.