Model Spotlight

Model Citizens: Katception

Model Citizens: Katception on Pornhub

By Pornhub | July 15, 2022

With Pride month among us, we chatted with the talented, pansexual model Katception for this edition of Model Citizens. Read on to see how the LGTBQ+ community has been a part of their journey in this industry, as well as the lessons they've learned about being their authentic self both on and off camera.


How long have you been in the industry and with Pornhub? What convinced you/influence you to join the industry?

I've been in the industry for almost 6 years and I've been with Pornhub for 3 years. I was 19 and a full-time student when I joined the industry, so I needed something I could do on my own time because of how busy I was with classes and studying. Eventually, I found an ad for cam models on a porn site and I thought it was perfect since I could work from home, on my own schedule, while being sexual and do something that I enjoy. I was already watching a lot of porn to help me ”de-stress” from school. It was perfect for me. 


Has your perception of the industry changed since joining? If so, how? Have you ever had any second thoughts?

Yes, and in a good way. I feel like when I first joined, I was a little judgmental towards certain kinds of fetishes and kinks, but eventually, the more work I did, in addition to taking human sexuality classes at school, the more I started to gain a deeper understanding for things, and became more accepting. My problem was that I didn’t understand, so I took it upon myself to learn so that I wouldn’t be confused and misguided about fetishes or kinks. There is a lot of misinformation out there and I had to learn the right things. Although I’ve never had any second thoughts, I did stop sex work for a month shortly after I started because I wasn’t sure if I could do it while going to school. However, after making a schedule and getting help from other sex workers, I quickly learned that it was very possible to do both, and from that point on I kept going.


What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about the industry you wish you could change?

That people only do porn to make ends meet, that they were probably forced or left with no other choice, and that they are miserable. So many people who are not in the industry don't really understand porn because of the stigma surrounding it, and because of that, they don't take the time to understand that everyone’s experiences are different. What they heard or saw from one documentary on Netflix, doesn't apply to everyone in sex work. We are all different people, with unique talents, and we all go through this journey in our own ways. Some of us love it, and some of us not so much, but all experiences are valid and should never be generalized.


How has joining the industry changed your life?

It's changed my life in so many ways; I've been able to have a stable income, gain so many amazing experiences and ultimately see how amazing and kind people can really be. Those who support me mean the world to me and without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I've been able to pay for school, provide for my family, and travel. I've met some amazing people, and received so much love and kindness from both models and members. This job has given me a lot financially and emotionally, and I'm very thankful for it.


What have you learned about yourself since joining the industry?

I've learned a lot about myself. I've discovered new fetishes that I like, I've become more accepting of things and I'm more patient than I was before. I've definitely learned to be my genuine dorky self and love myself more for it. I’ve also learned that I'm capable of handling and doing a lot. 

What has been your biggest success thus far? What are you most proud of?

My biggest success…this one is hard because it's not easy to organize all the amazing things that have happened to me over the past few years, mainly thanks to Pornhub. Having said that, one of the biggest successes I've had was having the honour of being drawn and featured in Pornhub’s Pleasure Principal Art Gallery. It was an amazing experience to meet the artist that drew me, get to know and talk to her, and then be featured in the gallery with so many other talented artists and models. I love art, so being chosen to do that along with the opportunity itself was an amazing experience and a great success. Seeing my images on the gallery’s promo pictures was just really amazing.


Are there any fetishes on your bucket list that you’d like to try but haven’t done yet?

I really want to kick someone in the balls. I've done this before but not in a kinky way. Lately I've been really into the idea and have been watching some videos, but this would be fun for me to experience. I would like to do it a few times though — lately I've been feeling a lot more dominant than usual.


Why the name Katception? How is she similar or different from you?

I went through a few cute names before choosing this one and sticking with it. My name has always been Kat, so I picked katsaysmeow before I changed it to what it is now. Katception is just my name with “inception,” which means the beginning, so I guess my name means ‘the beginning of Kat.’ Since my name is actually Kat Nye, I created a cute name with the intention to stand out a little, which is where the ‘inception’ part comes in. Kat and I are the same person though. I just try to be as genuine as I can in my work because being myself is easier than being anyone else. For a long time I tried to be someone that I’m not, and eventually I learned that it was just easier to be my dorky and awkward self than it was to pretend to be someone else.

Tell us something about yourself your fans would be surprised to learn.

I have never had a threesome! I think it would be fun to do, preferably with Bella Thorne and whoever else she would want; she doesn’t do porn or anything, I’m just really attracted to Bella.


How do you deal with online criticism?

I just ignore it now. I know it’s hard to do and easier said than done, but after 5 years, I’m just tired of reading the same hate comments. However, I do love constructive criticism from fans that order content. For example, if they want something different or have advice, I’m all for it. As for random people that I have never met and who don’t like me, well they won’t get the time of day from me. My time is too valuable to be wasted on trolls. These are my good boob years and they will not go to waste on some random online troll.


Can you share what it means to be part of the LGTBQ+ community? Does it differ as an adult performer?

To me, being a part of the LGTBQ+ community means that there are people who have an idea of what you’re going through or how you feel, and are there to listen and help out if they can. They are there so you don’t feel alone, like you’re the only one going through or experiencing what you’re experiencing. They help make things easier to understand, and make you feel welcome and accepted. For so many people, their LGTBQ+ friends are their family, and sometimes, their only family - that’s what the community is, one big, loving, accepting family with no space for judgment. As an adult performer it can differ at times, but in a positive way. I’ve found that the LGTBQ+ community is way more accepting of sex work. During Pride, I met a lot of other sex workers who are on Pornhub and Onlyfans, and who hyped me up the whole time and made me feel no judgment at all. My experiences have been amazing so far and I’m very thankful for that.


How do you feel about expressing your identity on PH?

I love it. Being able to express who I am, is a great feeling. I’m very lucky I get to do that and I’m thankful for it.


What kind of advice can you give to new LGBTQ+ Models who are joining the industry?

Just be yourself and you will find people who love you for you. Try to find other people in the LGBTQ+ community on social media platforms like Twitter or even here on Pornhub, connect with them, and get to know your fellow performers that are in the community. It can feel lonely at times, so making industry friends can really help. Even just being able to talk to other people who are going through similar things or know your struggles helps a lot; don’t be afraid to reach out to your colleagues in the LGBTQ+ community.


How are you celebrating Pride this year?

This year I’ll be at home playing animal crossing and smoking weed in my room. I’ve been to Pride a few times and each time was an amazing, unique experience, but this year I’ll be hanging out at home.


Where do you hope to see your career in the next 5 years?

I go through phases where I think about this a lot, and I’m not really sure where I want to see it go. I learned a while ago that if I plan things out too far ahead or have too high expectations for something in the future, it might not workout that way at all. So I’m just hoping to see general progress, continuing to be successful and happy with my career. I just want to keep creating content that I’m proud of and meet like-minded people that appreciate my art and content. I just hope to be a little bit more successful each year with my income and my personal growth.


Follow Katception on Twitter and Instagram for photos, videos, and updates on their next project.

Twitter @katception

Instagram @katceptionlive
