Model Spotlight

Model Citizens: MissBNasty

Model Citizens: MissBNasty on Pornhub

By Pornhub | July 18, 2022

Welcome back to Model Citizens, where we put the spotlight on one of your favorite top Models. This time around, we chatted with the one and only MissBNasty and asked her about her thoughts on the industry, what makes her stand out, and how she balances her work and personal life.

Keep scrolling and get to know MissBNasty a little more.

So you’re about to hit 100K subscribers on Pornhub right now and you’re ranked in the top 100. What do you accredit your success to?

I’ll have to say it’s my personality. I feel like even though people might find me attractive or think I'm sexy, I'm not really selling sex appeal; I'm just being myself in these videos. The person you see in my videos is how I am in real life. At first, I was trying to do the whole sexy dress-up, done-up look all the time, with themes, but that's not me. I'm erratic and I go with the flow and with my mood.

What would you say has been your biggest success and struggle so far?

My biggest success was reaching $1 million – that was a huge success for me.

As for my biggest struggle, I would say it’s been trying to keep up with my life and making content consistently because I’m also a mother and a single one at that. I take care of a lot of people in my family, so trying to keep up with all that and still putting out content consistently is the hardest struggle.


Courtesy of MissBNasty

Do you have weekly schedule that you follow to help with consistency?

I try to stick to my rule of doing one live show a week, recording it, and maybe getting a couple of videos out of it too so I get two every week. I want it to be authentic and be in the mood when I record.

Has the pandemic affected your work life?

My career was booming at the beginning and then I started to feel it toward the end. It started affecting my personal life and I had less time to record and pay attention to my fans. I had to focus on my personal life, so I didn’t create new content for about three months.

What are some of your favorite videos or scenes that you've filmed?

My favorites are the ones where I squirt on my face. I also really like my bloopers because it’s me-in-the-moment content where I’m clumsy or randomly talking to myself out loud, and it’s just me through and through. It has fans feeling like they can meet us because we’re like the girl next door.

You produce a lot of solo content -- is it something you prefer?

Honestly, it’s to help me from not burning out. I do mostly solo content so that I can still enjoy sex with a person. When I have recorded with other people, I feel like I was more tired afterward. Having to be around other people while filming and being on point in an actual scene with actual people can be a lot, and I feel like I would get burned out faster. Plus, masturbation is glorious.

Do you have advice for Models who want to start creating more solo content?

The more you enjoy it, the better it is. Try not to care so much about angles. Of course you want to have great lighting and have the camera set up right, but be sure you’re into it and try not to worry about the camera being there -- just masturbate! If you’re into it, then fans will enjoy it because it’ll look real and raw.

What’s your setup like when you film?

I only record on my phone. It’s done everything. I have now upgraded to a space with good lighting, but I try to stick with natural light because it’s the best.


Courtesy of MissBNasty

What influenced you to join the industry and how long have you been doing this for?

I’ve been doing this for almost four years. And as far as what inspired me, well, my story is funny. I was trying to save my relationship. He was a cheating individual and he went from physically cheating to spending all our money on cam girls. So I was like, “I can't stop him, so let's become one. And here we are.”

And why did you decide to join to transition from camming to producing content for the Model Program?

I was already making videos to send to the guys I was talking to, so I figured I might as well see if I can make the money off of it online.

Since joining the industry four years ago, do you feel like it’s evolved for the better or for the worse?

I think there have been some improvements, especially when it comes to leaked videos and taking them down, like on Pornhub, and that is major progress.

Then there’s social media platforms, like Instagram and Facebook, where they love sex and love the idea that sex sells, but they don’t allow us sex workers on their platforms. So that has been a constant struggle in these last four years -- finding a platform that allows sex workers to exists and stay there. These platforms have sex everywhere with photographers and everyone else posting about it, but as soon as you say porn, that’s it.

What surprised you the most when you first started out?

That it’s really about the kink and fetish – that’s where the money is – and I was real wise about that. There are many sites that don’t let us tap into kinks because they don’t want to be attached so some fetishes, but that’s where the money is.

What’s do you think is the biggest misconception people have about the industry and performers?

That all we think about every waking moment is sex.

Can you tell us something fans would be surprised to learn about you?

I’m a big Harry Potter nerd, a crime story junky, and I’m full of random facts.

Which Hogwarts house do you think you would be sorted in?

I’m definitely a Gryffindor, but I also think that sometimes MissBNasty has some Slytherin in her.

Follow MissBNasty on Twitter and Instagram for photos and video updates

Twitter @MissBNasty

Instagram @themissbnasty
